My First Influencer Event, oh boy!
10 Key Things This Newbie Learned about Highflier Dreams at My First Influencer Event
What I learned at my first influencer event is not just influencing but how to be a Highflier
A lot happens when your dreams start to materialize. People see you differently well before you do, your relationships shift, opportunities start presenting themselves as if gift-wrapped and you are ultimately forced to stretch yourself.
That’s what happened to me the other night when I answered a friendly invitation and showed up to an event.
My dear bestie and cohost of Kansas City PBS show, Get Lost!, Michael Mackie (M2), invited me to the pre-opening of a restaurant. I had no instructions only an invite to show up, but because he is a walking Rolodex (remember those!) of who’s-who, I didn’t ask questions. I just got my M2-loving self over there to keep him company.
Our relationship used to be one of casual colleagues and he even did a stint as my editor, but now that we’re cohosts, we’re more like work-spouses and he does what he can to take care of me, so he brought me to the newest big-deal eatery of one of Kansas City’s most successful chefs, Penny Mufuka.
Chef Penny and husband Doug Mufuka, co-owners of Bamboo Penny’s, are now offering the deliciousness of the sea. Premium, sustainably-sourced and flown-in-daily coastal seafood. As a vegan, I didn’t know how I could partake and therefore help elevate this momentous moment in their business journey. But turns out, they also have a number of vegan options. Well, okay then, I’m in.
Oooh, thank you, Aqua Penny’s.
I had never been to a pre-opening and didn’t realize what it was until I got there. Thank the sweet Lord I’m a go-with-the-flow kinda girl. But imagine my shock to know that me—homebody ole me—had been invited to an Influencer Event!
Whatever the expectations were, I didn’t know. But I faked the funk. I ate gourmet mushrooms, drank a Siren’s Tail (they have a robust non-alcoholic program too) and chitchatted with sister influencers (heehee, I’m totally sold). I took to an experience I’m really not accustomed to— being introduced to a menu by way of an exclusive tasting, taking photos of my food, taking photos of myself, and catching a quick pic before I sip that drink— and just ate it up.
This all was a stretch. And it was intimidating. But I stayed, went along for the ride and had the evening of my life. I could have balked at the opportunity because it was foreign to me, could have shied away (which is what every inch of me tried to do all night) each time Michael said ‘I’m gonna take a pic of you in this good light,’ and I could have hidden because EVERYONE was well under 40 when I’m giddying up to 50.
But I learned 10 Key Things for a Newbie Attending an Influencer Event that I think makes me a more effective Highflier. Things I think are pretty standard and universal. Understanding this gives me confidence that we can do anything, anywhere. Can I share them with you (just in case you find yourself in this exact heart-thumping, nummy-nummies situation)?
They are not in order of importance, except for number one. Do what you can to secure more opportunities, if you realize you actually loved this. So...
1. The guest list is carefully curated and to be on it in the future, you need to get on their publicist’s radar
2. Go feeling your best—wear an outfit that is eye-catching (especially for photos) but is all you. It’s best to figure out the fit a day or two in advance. And TRY IT ON (I did not and my boobies were out a little much for my liking)
3. Make sure the camera on your phone is clean and your photos are clear. I used the cloth I clean my readers with
4. Be focused, proactive and engaged in the room but most importantly—be nice. Apparently, there’s a shortage of kindness at these events
5. Think of the story you want to tell via socials beforehand so your pictures can match but...
6. Keep an open mind so you can make discoveries while there and your photos can match
7. Try the food, drinks or whatever product they’re offering their guests and congratulate everyone involved. This is a big deal for them and they’ve put heart and soul into it
8. Talk to everyone. Not just the owner(s) but to the support staff. And be genuine
9. Use their names, remember who they are (M2 knew everyone and called them by their names. It was impressive and something to aspire to) and finally
10. Take notes, so next time you can be better prepared and build upon what you’ve already accomplished
Learning experiences are my favorite. They are an opportunity to improve, to grow, become truer to yourself. I saw this less as an influencer event and more as a way to support the business community and a way for me to expand myself. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone.
Stepping out has gotten me deeper into my dream-digging and it can do the same for you.
Look at the ways you are crushing the comfort zone. Where are you when you do your best? At home, at work or at play? And why are you so good at it? Natural talent, you’ve worked hard at it, you enjoy it?
Now, think of one area where you’d like to gift more. Something out of your comfort zone like an Influencer Event where you and your bestie are the most seasoned in the room. What can you gain by increasing your abilities in this area?
Just keep in mind, life is all about learning and building trust rather than being popular. In new rooms, we won’t know what will make our evening a blast until we get there. Lean on my takeaways, make a plan and head into your first influencer event—or other spanking new experience—with confidence. A year from now, you’ll have a full calendar of events under your belt and you can uplift a new Highflier standing in the very shoes you wear now. What’s most important is that you will be closer to, or have realized, the very you you dream of being.
Photo credit: Michael Mackie